phiten 銀谷
腳環 Rakuwa Extreme Twist TB01
腳環 Rakuwa Extreme Twist TB01
We currently ship to the following countries: Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Australia, the Philippines, and the United States.
Shipping & Delivery
Shipping & Delivery
Shipping Fee
Shipping costs are automatically calculated by the system based on the contents of the order: the place of delivery, the mode of transportation and the weight of the package. You can check the cost using the shipping calculator on the shopping cart page or confirm the shipping cost on the checkout page.
Estimated delivery time
We use the most appropriate logistics method for your shipment depending on the location and type of item, so transit times may vary. After your order has shipped, you will receive an email from us containing the shipping order number and a tracking link for your order.
Fulfilling and estimated delivery time: 5~20 business days
The above is an estimate, not a guaranteed delivery time. We will do our best to deliver according to the estimated delivery time, but sometimes there may be delays. For example, local postal/logistics, weather, festivals or other uncontrollable factors. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.
Payment Method
Payment Method
We accept major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard and American Express. When paying by credit card, your name and billing address must match the address on file with the card issuer. We also accept PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, AliPay, WeChatPay and UnionPay.
Tax & Custom
Tax & Custom
You may be charged additional handling, import, or tax fees as your order passes through customs. Please note, any additional charges on shipments are the customer’s responsibility, and we recommend reviewing these with your local customs departments prior to ordering.
Return & Refund
Return & Refund
We offers an 8-day cooling-off period. With the exception of customized proxy purchase items, all online shopping products have an 8-day cooling-off. This means that within 8 days from the day of receiving the product, you can apply for a return or refund. All products have an 8-day cooling-off.
Within 8 days from the day of product delivery, except for exceptions or non-returnable items and customized proxy purchase items, consumers can apply for a return or refund, but the shipping costs and any possible handling fees will be borne by the consumer.

phiten 腳環 Rakuwa Extreme Twist TB01
尺寸 21 公分 / 23 公分
材料 矽膠
技術 Metax

品牌名稱“Phi-Ten” 是從希臘子母”Φ” (phi) 衍生而來,也象徵著品牌致力於追求身體的協調平衡。 「我們所做的一切努力,都是為了您的健康!」 Phiten 以提升身體「自癒能力」為品牌承諾,當身體在穩定平衡狀態時,其自癒能力才能展現,現今外在環境及心理壓力等諸多因素則會讓身體處於不平衡的狀態。