Defencera 神經酰胺保濕口服劑 30包入
Defencera 神經酰胺保濕口服劑 30包入
We currently ship to the following countries: Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Australia, the Philippines, and the United States.
Shipping & Delivery
Shipping & Delivery
Shipping Fee
Shipping costs are automatically calculated by the system based on the contents of the order: the place of delivery, the mode of transportation and the weight of the package. You can check the cost using the shipping calculator on the shopping cart page or confirm the shipping cost on the checkout page.
Estimated delivery time
We use the most appropriate logistics method for your shipment depending on the location and type of item, so transit times may vary. After your order has shipped, you will receive an email from us containing the shipping order number and a tracking link for your order.
Fulfilling and estimated delivery time: 5~20 business days
The above is an estimate, not a guaranteed delivery time. We will do our best to deliver according to the estimated delivery time, but sometimes there may be delays. For example, local postal/logistics, weather, festivals or other uncontrollable factors. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.
Payment Method
Payment Method
We accept major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard and American Express. When paying by credit card, your name and billing address must match the address on file with the card issuer. We also accept PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, AliPay, WeChatPay and UnionPay.
Tax & Custom
Tax & Custom
You may be charged additional handling, import, or tax fees as your order passes through customs. Please note, any additional charges on shipments are the customer’s responsibility, and we recommend reviewing these with your local customs departments prior to ordering.
Return & Refund
Return & Refund
We offers an 8-day cooling-off period. With the exception of customized proxy purchase items, all online shopping products have an 8-day cooling-off. This means that within 8 days from the day of receiving the product, you can apply for a return or refund. All products have an 8-day cooling-off.
Within 8 days from the day of product delivery, except for exceptions or non-returnable items and customized proxy purchase items, consumers can apply for a return or refund, but the shipping costs and any possible handling fees will be borne by the consumer.

ORBIS Defencera 神經酰胺保濕口服劑 30包入
• 日本首款且唯一獲得政府認證的口服護膚產品,經驗證能有效防止全身肌膚水分流失,安全性和功效得到保證。
• 採用從糙米中提取的高純度DF-神經醯胺,像開關一樣發送信號到全身,促使肌膚製造更多的神經醯胺,填補皮膚細胞之間的空隙,形成三層屏障,使水分難以從皮膚逸出。
• 清爽的柚子風味粉末,方便食用,無需水。
• 適合有乾燥皮膚問題的使用者,不僅限於面部,還包括身體其他部位。
• 共30包,每包1.5g
• 每日食用一包
• 本產品為可直接食用的可溶解粉末,亦可與水一同食用
探索 2024 年日本最受歡迎的9款美容保健食品,從維他命C膠囊到膠原蛋白粉,科學配方助您提升肌膚保濕力、透亮度與整體健康,實現由內而外的自然美!

Orbis Corporation is a beacon of innovation and sustainability in Japan's corporate world. Renowned for its exceptional products and commitment to quality, Orbis has made significant strides in various industries, especially in skincare and health. Embracing cutting-edge technologies and eco-friendly practices, the company ensures that every product is crafted with precision and care, meeting the highest standards of excellence. Orbis is also celebrated for its strong commitment to social responsibility, actively participating in community-based initiatives and environmental sustainability efforts. Their holistic approach towards business, integrating ethics, quality, and innovation, sets them apart in the competitive market, making Orbis a trusted and respected name among consumers and partners alike.