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WPC乳清蛋白粉 1kg, 7種維生素, 日本製

WPC乳清蛋白粉 1kg, 7種維生素, 日本製

定價 1,558.00 ฿ THB
定價 售價 1,558.00 ฿ THB
折扣 售完

We currently ship to the following countries: Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Australia, the Philippines, and the United States.

Shipping & Delivery

Shipping Fee

Shipping costs are automatically calculated by the system based on the contents of the order: the place of delivery, the mode of transportation and the weight of the package. You can check the cost using the shipping calculator on the shopping cart page or confirm the shipping cost on the checkout page.

Estimated delivery time

We use the most appropriate logistics method for your shipment depending on the location and type of item, so transit times may vary. After your order has shipped, you will receive an email from us containing the shipping order number and a tracking link for your order.

Fulfilling and estimated delivery time: 5~20 business days

The above is an estimate, not a guaranteed delivery time. We will do our best to deliver according to the estimated delivery time, but sometimes there may be delays. For example, local postal/logistics, weather, festivals or other uncontrollable factors. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Payment Method

We accept major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard and American Express. When paying by credit card, your name and billing address must match the address on file with the card issuer. We also accept PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, AliPay, WeChatPay and UnionPay.

Tax & Custom

You may be charged additional handling, import, or tax fees as your order passes through customs. Please note, any additional charges on shipments are the customer’s responsibility, and we recommend reviewing these with your local customs departments prior to ordering.

Return & Refund

We offers an 8-day cooling-off period. With the exception of customized proxy purchase items, all online shopping products have an 8-day cooling-off. This means that within 8 days from the day of receiving the product, you can apply for a return or refund. All products have an 8-day cooling-off.

Within 8 days from the day of product delivery, except for exceptions or non-returnable items and customized proxy purchase items, consumers can apply for a return or refund, but the shipping costs and any possible handling fees will be borne by the consumer.


REYS WPC乳清蛋白粉 1kg, 7種維生素, 日本製

• 美味、易溶、價格實惠的乳清蛋白
 由知名健身 YouTuber 山澤禮明 監修的 REYS WPC 乳清蛋白粉 誕生!經過多次試驗與嚴選原料,實現了絕佳的風味、溶解度與高性價比。只需水即可調製,口感濃郁順滑。

• 五種美味風味選擇
 - 咖啡歐蕾風味:選用哥倫比亞阿拉比卡咖啡豆,經滴濾製法萃取的高品質咖啡精華,搭配滑順奶香,香醇濃郁。
 - 巧克力風味:嚴選全球高品質可可,使用荷蘭可可粉,香氣濃郁,帶有柔和甜味,口感清爽不膩。
 - 奶茶風味:採用斯里蘭卡與印度嚴選茶葉,茶香濃郁搭配奶香,呈現皇家奶茶的經典風味。
 - 綜合莓果風味:集結多種莓果的香甜與酸爽,風味清新怡人,適合運動後補充能量。
 - 鹽味焦糖風味:融合法國洛林岩鹽與濃郁焦糖香氣,濃厚滑順,鹹甜交織,令人回味無窮。

• 嚴選 100% 乳清蛋白
 採用吸收速度快的 高純度乳清蛋白 作為主要成分,有助於迅速補充身體所需的蛋白質,支援肌肉修復與生長。

• 7 種維生素添加,營養更均衡
 特別添加 7 種維生素(維生素B1、B2、B6、C、D、菸鹼酸、泛酸),全面支援每日健康與運動所需的營養補充。

• 方便易飲的設計
 - 3 秒輕鬆搖勻:專利配方讓蛋白粉快速溶解,不易結塊,口感更加細膩。
 - 簡單飲用:將3匙(約30g) 蛋白粉加入 200ml 冷水 中搖勻即可飲用。

• 推薦使用時機
 - 運動前後:為訓練補充優質蛋白質。
 - 間食時間:快速補充營養,增強飽足感。
 - 夜間:睡前補充蛋白質,支援肌肉修復與成長。

• 內容量:1kg(約 33 份)
• 風味:咖啡歐蕾風味 / 巧克力風味 / 奶茶風味 / 綜合莓果風味 / 鹽味焦糖風味
• 原料成分:乳清蛋白(WPC)、維生素B1、維生素B2、維生素B6、維生素C、維生素D、菸鹼酸、泛酸
• 使用方法:每次取3匙(約30g),加入 200ml 冷水 或溫水中攪拌均勻後飲用。
• 建議用量:每日 2~3 次
• 生產地:日本
• 注意事項:
 - 請依建議量食用,避免過量攝取。
 - 若身體出現異常反應,請停止使用並諮詢醫師。


探索 2024 年日本最受歡迎的9款美容保健食品,從維他命C膠囊到膠原蛋白粉,科學配方助您提升肌膚保濕力、透亮度與整體健康,實現由內而外的自然美!

Customer Reviews

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REYS 是由擁有超過 98 萬 YouTube 訂閱者的山澤禮明監修的運動營養品牌,致力於為消費者提供「美味、易溶、價格親民」的高品質產品。品牌經過多次原料篩選與試作,終於推出了一款在味道與溶解度上都表現出色的乳清蛋白(WPC),甚至可直接用水調製享用。REYS 以卓越的品質榮獲 2023 年 Amazon.co.jp 販售事業者大獎,值得信賴。每天享用 REYS 的乳清蛋白,讓健康養成變成令人期待的樂趣!

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