Shopping Guide

Makita CL286FD vs. CL003G: A Comprehensive Comparison

Makita CL286FD vs. CL003G: A Comprehensive Comp...

In the world of cordless vacuum cleaners, Makita stands out as a leader in innovation and efficiency. With a range of models tailored to diverse cleaning needs, Makita's cordless vacuums...

Makita CL286FD vs. CL003G: A Comprehensive Comp...

In the world of cordless vacuum cleaners, Makita stands out as a leader in innovation and efficiency. With a range of models tailored to diverse cleaning needs, Makita's cordless vacuums...

Essential Guide to Buying Japanese Electronics

Essential Guide to Buying Japanese Electronics

This article covers: How to shop tax-free in Japan? Voltage differences to consider Top shopping destinations Must-buy electronics during your Japan trip This guide aims to enhance your shopping experience...

Essential Guide to Buying Japanese Electronics

This article covers: How to shop tax-free in Japan? Voltage differences to consider Top shopping destinations Must-buy electronics during your Japan trip This guide aims to enhance your shopping experience...



在快節奏的現代生活中,我們總是尋找能夠提升效率和舒適度的方法。日本家電以其精緻工藝、持久耐用和前沿技術,為全球家庭帶來了便利與革新。imy Shop Japan為您精選了四款高品質的日式家電產品,每一款都能為您的日常生活帶來顯著的改善。


在快節奏的現代生活中,我們總是尋找能夠提升效率和舒適度的方法。日本家電以其精緻工藝、持久耐用和前沿技術,為全球家庭帶來了便利與革新。imy Shop Japan為您精選了四款高品質的日式家電產品,每一款都能為您的日常生活帶來顯著的改善。

Shipping & Delivery during Lunar New Year holidays

Shipping & Delivery during Lunar New Year holidays

As we approach the Lunar New Year period, we would like to remind you that due to the holiday, there will be impacts on the operation times of major logistics...

Shipping & Delivery during Lunar New Year holidays

As we approach the Lunar New Year period, we would like to remind you that due to the holiday, there will be impacts on the operation times of major logistics...

【浪漫精選】情人節禮物 | 獻上您的愛意與細心

【浪漫精選】情人節禮物 | 獻上您的愛意與細心


【浪漫精選】情人節禮物 | 獻上您的愛意與細心


【精選推薦】日本4款人氣烤箱 | 高貴不貴經濟實惠

【精選推薦】日本4款人氣烤箱 | 高貴不貴經濟實惠

  為打造完整廚房裝備,一台性能出色的烤箱絕對是關鍵。而日本的家電以其創新技術和精緻設計聞名於世,這次我們精選了4款各具特色且價格合理的烤箱,希望讓大家在繁多選擇中能有參考方向。 選購烤箱時,可以考慮以下4大關鍵點,以確保品質與效能:

【精選推薦】日本4款人氣烤箱 | 高貴不貴經濟實惠

  為打造完整廚房裝備,一台性能出色的烤箱絕對是關鍵。而日本的家電以其創新技術和精緻設計聞名於世,這次我們精選了4款各具特色且價格合理的烤箱,希望讓大家在繁多選擇中能有參考方向。 選購烤箱時,可以考慮以下4大關鍵點,以確保品質與效能: